About Me

I am an integrated trauma healing facilitator. Using trauma-attuned modalities I support humans in claiming their darkest parts and emotions to then reclaim and reconnect with their truth and authentic state of being! Yes! It definitely is as exciting as it sounds!

Over the past years, I've immersed myself in a variety of modalities and trainings under practitioners like Gabor Maté MD, Frank Anderson MD, Richard Schwartz PhD, Stephen Porges PhD, and Bessel Van der Kolk MD. I am going through trainings from NICABM (The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine) right now and am always expanding my knowledge and toolkit. Through these trainings, I've gained invaluable insights into the intricate nature of trauma and the pathways to healing.

I have integrated the tools that I’ve learned into my own life over the years and have been moving through so many transformations. From going though the ups and downs of immigration to now living the life of my dreams in California, I am so grateful for feeling it all and owning it all.

Drawing from both training and personal experience, I offer tailored support to you if you’re seeking transformation and empowerment. If you're ready to get into this sacred space and reconnect to who you truly are, I'm here to hold a safe space, and guide you on that journey. Welcome aboard!