Only when compassion is present will people allow themselves to see the truth.

A. H. Almaas

My Story

My name is Leila Sadr, and I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran until I was 21 and that’s when I immigrated to the US! I was raised in an overly religious family and as a sensitive artsy kid that definitely had its challenges on me, and I definitely challenged my family back by removing my hejab in a lot of family gatherings and dancing. I started to express myself with dancing from when I was very young and remember I saw the curiosity in my mum’s eyes to learn how to dance from me. That was a huge confidence booster for me and basically what fueled me to keep sharing my dancing with my family and friends. I started teaching different style of dances to the women of my community when I was in middle school and then in high school and used to hold groups in my high school for everyone to vulnerably share how they are feeling. Though of course it was clear then what my purpose in life was, I only made this connection a few years ago after doing a lot of my own trauma work and truly getting connected to my truth & life purpose!

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